(The slide puzzle super-site)

Check back periodically as we will be adding more content regularly..

Our initial goal for this site is to show off our slide puzzle collections. As we do this, we will also be presenting all the information we can collect about slide puzzles. This will include the history, manufacturers, construction, and current sources of slide puzzles, as well as anything else we can think of.

We are also designing a java applet that you can use to actually play with any of the puzzles in the collection. There are, of course, many such java applets on the web (see our links). Frankly, with a few exceptions, most of them out there are pretty depressing. We hope to do much better.

Initially, the collections displayed here will be from our 3 initial members. Eventually, we hope to add more collectors to the site, and add slide puzzle trading/selling.

- Our Members

- About This Site

- Coming Soon

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